Online Membership Application

Sierra County Historical Society is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization dedicated to preserving and promoting appreciation of the county‘s rich heritage. Membership is open to any interested person, business or organization. You need not be a resident of Sierra County to join. Membership fees are due in January for the calendar year. Membership confers these privileges:
• Free admission to the Kentucky Mine Museum and the Stamp Mill/Mine tour
• Invitation to the annual luncheon meeting at historically significant locations in the county
• Option to have the Sierran newsletter mailed or emailed to you

Almost Done!

If you have submitted your application, please follow the link below to complete the purchase of your membership or Donation. Our online Square Store will open in a new window so you can complete your purchase. We would love to know what your interests are in the history of Sierra County. This window will remain active so you can continue to browse our website after you’ve finished your purchase.

Thank you for supporting the Sierra County Historical Society!